Here are the lists of the top five least wanted pests for each state and territory in Australia.
Here are the lists of the top five least wanted pests for each state and territory in Australia.
Potato cyst nematode
Photo: Victorian Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources
Red imported fire ants
Potato cyst nematodes
Grape phylloxera
Mediterranean fruit fly
Lupin anthracnose
Mediterranean fruit fly
Red imported fire ants and other tramp ants
Banana diseases
Western flower thrips
Mediterranean fruit fly
Panama disease TR4
Grape phylloxera
Potato cyst nematode
Cucumber green mottled mosaic virus
Grape phylloxera
Photo: Victorian Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources
Queensland fruit fly
Potato cyst nematode
Bacterial wilt of potato
Blueberry rust
Queensland fruit fly
Photo: Victorian Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources
Mediterranean fruit fly
Red imported fire ants
Queensland fruit fly (in the Pest Free Area)
Potato spindle tuber viroid
Potato cyst nematode