New South Wales & Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales & Australian Capital Territory
NSW Department of Primary Industries
161 Kite St, Orange NSW 2800
For more information about carrying items into New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory, contact:
Plants or plant products – 1800 084 881 or
Animals or animal products – 1800 084 881 or
Bees or bee products – 1800 084 881 or
Noxious weeds reporting – 1800 680 244 or
Native birds and wildlife – 1300 361 967 or
Fish or fish products – 1300 550 474 or
Aquatic pests or exotic fish – 02 4916 3877 or
General contact details:
Northern Territory
Northern Territory
For COVID-19 related quarantine queries, please visit or call the COVID-19 Hotline on 1800 008 002
Department of Primary Industry and Resources
Biosecurity & Product Integrity Division
NT Quarantine
GPO Box 3000, Darwin NT 0801
For more information about carrying items into the Northern Territory, contact:
Plants or plant products – 08 8999 2118 or email
Livestock – 08 8999 2030
Live fish – 08 8999 2144
Native birds and other wildlife – 08 8999 4486 or email
Aquatic pests – 08 8999 2126 or 0413 381 094
Fisheries – 08 8999 2144
General contact details:
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Biosecurity Queensland
GPO Box 46, Brisbane QLD 4001
For more information on carrying items into Queensland, contact:
Plants or plant products, skins and hides, movement of livestock, pets (except declared noxious fish), declared noxious fish – 07 3404 6999 or
Native plants, birds and wildlife – Department of Environment and Heritage Protection on 1300 130 372
General contact details:
South Australia
South Australia
Primary Industries and Regions
Biosecurity SA – Plant Health
33 Flemington St, Glenside SA 5065
For more information on carrying items into South Australia, contact:
Fruit, vegetables and plant material – 08 8207 7820
Aquarium fish and plants, and exotic fish – 1800 065 522
Bees, bee products and beekeeping equipment – 08 8207 7820
Livestock, and animal health enquiries – 08 8207 7900
Native animals – Fauna Permits 08 8124 4972
Exotic pests – 08 8303 9520
General contact details:
Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
13 St Johns Ave, New Town TAS 7008
For more information on carrying items into Tasmania, contact:
Plants or plant products and seafood – 03 6165 3777 or
Fish, fish products and fishing/diving equipment (marine and freshwater) – 03 6165 3777 or
Dogs (treatment for hydatid tapeworm prior to arrival) – 1800 684 215
Livestock/pets/domestic animals (including livestock restrictions applying to Bass Strait Islands) – Quarantine Vet 03 6165 3777 or
Native wildlife (reptiles, birds, mammals, insects) and aviary birds – 03 6165 4305 or
General contact details:
Agriculture Victoria
Box 4 Melbourne Markets Admin Building
55 Produce Drive, Epping VIC 3076
For more information on carrying items into Victoria, contact:
Agriculture Victoria – 136 186
General contact details:
Western Australia
Western Australia
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Quarantine WA
Locked Bag 69 Welshpool DC, WA 6986
Level 1, 24 Fricker Rd, Perth International Airport WA 6105
For more information on carrying items into Western Australia, contact:
Quarantine WA – 08 9334 1800 or
General enquiries – 1800 084 881
General contact details: