Pest fish
Non-native fish should never be released into waterways. They compete with native species, which greatly reduces native fish numbers and affects their habitat.
To help us stop the spread of pest fish:
- learn how to identify pest fish
- avoid spreading pest fish between waterways
- report sightings of pest fish.
Some fish pose such a grave danger that they have been declared noxious pests by Queensland law. These fish cannot be kept, hatched, reared or sold. Members of the public are encouraged to report any suspicious or unlawful activities relating to the catching or breeding of noxious fish to the 24 hour Fishwatch hotline on 1800 017 116. For additional information, please contact us on 13 25 23.

General information
What are pest fish and noxious fish and how can we control them.
Report a pest fish sighting
An online form enabling the public to report pest fish sightings including date, time, location, type of water and fish characteristics.
Non-indigenous fish
How they are introduced; their impact on the environment; and prevention and removal.
Control of exotic pest fishes
Strategy to provide direction and focus for a uniform approach to exotic pest fish management.